Will you Draw Me?

Yeppo! All ya gotta do is email me your budget, and we can discuss available options in that range. You can check out the pricing schedule as well below, and reference that when you message me for what size/medium you are interested in ^_^

Is this product available?

If you find the product on the page, than yes, is it available for purchase.

How can i contact you for design/illustration?

There is a contact section where you can email me, and from there we can discuss options for further contact as necessary. There are also various outlets above where you can find my work or message me more directly (like through IG/facebook since I use both pretty frequently).

When will you add more print options?

At the moment I am limiting the available options to what is on the website. I will send out messages/posts at various times on social media outlets to let everyone know when new prints become available.



$125: 5x8

$225: 11x14

$500: 18x24

Drawing options in this schedule reflects all sizes from 5x8-18x24 in graphite and ink.

All other sizes/drawing mediums please message me for more details.



$250 - Low Detail

$500 - High Detail

Low Detail: Anything that reflects a few objects (2-3) With simple color variation (1-2 colors) and no blending (flat objects, vector objecs etc)

High Detail: Anything that reflects people/portraiture in any way, multiple objects in a scene, high color variation (3+), or any objects requiring blending


$300: 8x10

$500: 11x14

$750: 18x24

Painting options in this schedule reflects all sizes from 8x10-18x24 in oil on canvas, linen, and hardboard.

All other sizes painting mediums please message me for more details.


Logo Design

$300 - Base Price.

The base price for logo design is for start up businesses/individuals. For simple icon work or clip art style vector illustration where you know exactly what you want and can communicate that effectively. Price will increase based on intricacy, uncertainty (requires multiple concepts/edits), hand drawn logo work, rebranding, or logo design for anyone who falls outside of the “individuals” category.


Book Covers/Posters

$200 - Design/layout with no Original Illustration

$500 - Design/layout with Original Illustration

Book Cover + Poster design/illustration reflects pricing for individuals whom are self publishing only. For anyone working with a publisher, or an organization self publishing please contact me directly for an accurate pricing schedule reflecting these considerations.